DANTE - Official launch of the Transnational IWT barrier reporting tool


The DANTE team is happy to announce the official launch of its transnational IWT barrier and good practise reporting tool, one very important tangible project result. The transnational reporting tool is the first output of the DANTE project that is setting the background to collect inputs from the IWT stakeholders. This innovative, multi-language tool (DE, SK, HU, RS, HR, RO, BG) enables the state-of-the-art way of mapping the every-day barriers of the IWT actors and results in a database that will work as basis for further analysis and recommendations to be delivered during the next project months. These together will contribute to the elimination of unnecessary barriers to IWT in order to ensure the smooth and predictable way of the logistics processes using the Danube river.

Under the lead of Pro Danube International (PDI) and with the support of 13 project partners – both public and private institutions [iC consulenten (AT), Steinbeis Innovation GmbH, Steinbeis-Europe-Center (DE), Romanian River Ship Owners and Port Operators Association (RO), Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BG), Constanta Port Business Association (RO), Danube Commission, Hungarian Federation of Inland Waterway Freight Forwarders (HU), Ministry of Transport of Romania (RO), Public Institution Port Authority Vukovar (HR), Waterborne Transport Development Agency (SK), Pro Danube Romania (RO), Slovak Shipping and Ports (SK)] this reporting tool was developed under work package three which is dealing with barriers identification.

The application is hosted on PDI’s website and can be accessed via the following link: https://www.prodanube.eu/administrativebarriers/, from any fix or mobile devices (notebooks, mobile phones, tables, etc.)

Users may choose between the 8 languages of the interface (English, German, Slovak, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian).  Registration is mandatory, so please create yourself a user profile before reporting your experience - either blaming a barrier or submitting a positive experience. 

We cordially invite all of you to use the tool as well as share this information with your relevant business partners.  The related documentation can be found here. For questions or further details please contact us at: rafael@prodanube.eu.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)