CHESTNUT CompreHensive Elaboration of STrategic plaNs for sustainable Urban Transport

CHESTNUT will contribute to developing a better-connected & interoperable environmentally friendly transport & safe system in functional urban areas (FUA) of Danube Region, overall based on integration between more sustainable means.

Danube countries deals with great internal problems affecting cities and their surroundings, in terms of first-mile and last-mile mobility, due to intense daily commuting as well as short urban trips made both by cars. The combination of these different aspects leads to congestion, noise, air pollution, emission of CO2 in atmosphere, accidents (more frequent in urban roads).

CHESTNUT will face these issues, all affecting coastal, inland and border urban areas involved in the project, by developing  a joint methodology to depict mobility scenarios, drafting Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans(SUMPs) at FUA level (to support new policy making with a special focus on PEOPLE), implementing 12  joint pilot actions involving sub-groups of project partners. The expected change that CHESTNUT intends to bring concerns both an enhancement of regional/local authorities’ capacity in sustainable inter-modal mobility planning at super-communal level (FUA) and promotion of urban mobility models less dependent on car.

CompreHensive Elaboration of STrategic plaNs for sustainable Urban Transport
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 2004272,18
ERDF Contribution: 1581316,91
IPA Contribution: 122314,4
ENI Contribution: 0
Call number
Call 1
Better connected and energy responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Municipality of Velenje Lead partner Slovenia
Regional Development Centre Koper ERDF partner Slovenia
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Transportation, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering ERDF partner Austria
Municipality of Weiz - Department for mobility and energy ERDF partner Austria
The Municipal District Prague 9 ERDF partner Czech Republic
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Project News

    - 20-05-2019

    6th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) The 6th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans will be held on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 June 2019 in Groningen, The Netherlands. The focus...

  • CHESTNUT - Sustainable urban mobility: We are on a good path, but there’s still a lot of work to be done
    - 15-05-2019
    Sustainable urban mobility: We are on a good path, but there’s still a lot of work to be done

    With pilot actions implemented, Sustainable urban mobility plans drafted and most of the activities concluded, CHESTNUT partners gathered at the final project conference in Velenje, Slovenia. Besides using the opportunity, to gain greater...

  • CHESTNUT - Electric wheels on the road in Weiz
    - 28-04-2019
    Electric wheels on the road in Weiz

    As part of the Weizer bicycle day organized by the City Mobility Office under Barbara Kulmer, three e-cargo bikes were handed over as a part of the Interreg Danube Project Chestnut. In the future, delicatessen Bleykolm, a grocery shop,...

  • CHESTNUT - Project partners prepared the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
    - 16-04-2019
    Project partners prepared the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

    .: DOWNLOAD HERE :. The partners themselves, with the support of Vienna University of Technology (VUT), prepared the SUMPs. The 12 following Functional Urban Areas (FUA) or municipalities drafted a SUMP: FUA Alba...

  • CHESTNUT - Project partners presenting Mobility Scenario from Work Package 3
    - 18-03-2019
    Project partners presenting Mobility Scenario from Work Package 3

    You can find the complete document in the Library. This current Transnational Strategy on the one hand intends to establish a starting point with the help of mobility related status quo analysis of the participant countries’ Functional...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)