AgriGo4Cities Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion

In recent times, the main needs and challenges related to governance systems within the Danube region can be associated with decreasing public institutional capacities to incorporate participatory approach into decision-making processes. The absence of participatory mechanisms is contributing to reduced motivation of people to engage in governance and administration because they feel relegated from political, social and economic agendas and not competent enough to act as an equivalent counterpart and a considerable driver of “change”. The gap between citizens and public authorities at all levels is therefore increasing and leading to intensified mistrust and lack of public participation, especially among the most disadvantaged communities at risk of exclusion, such as the poor, unemployed, homeless, Roma communities, elderly, women, and youth. The growing social and economic inequalities are reflected in reduced quality of urban life.

To overcome these challenges the AgriGo4Cities project wants to employ Participatory Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA) as a powerful and emerging method to improve public institutional capacities in order to tackle socio-economic exclusion of vulnerable/marginalized groups and to stimulate sustainable urban development in the Danube region. To this end, the project aims to develop an innovative methodology of participatory planning and integrate it into decision-making processes.

The methodology will improve capacities of public administrators to involve relevant stakeholders and civil society into governance and public participation. Intensified cooperation will boost mutual trust and stimulate strengthened socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable/marginalized groups. The reduction of social and economic inequalities will lead to the more sustainable development of disadvantaged neighborhoods. By applying a transnational multi-level approach the AgriGo4Cities project ambition is to become a flagship of well-governed Danube region.

Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 1474190,2
ERDF Contribution: 1168642,62
IPA Contribution: 84419,02
ENI Contribution: 0
Call number
Call 1
Well-governed Danube region
Specific objective
Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges


Filename Date of upload
Governance_Plan_CZE 01-07-2019 09:20:54
Governance_Plan_SLO 01-07-2019 09:19:48
Governance_Plan_RO 17-06-2019 15:49:34
Governance_Plan_MNE 17-06-2019 15:36:28
Governance_Plan_ALB 10-06-2019 09:24:02
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Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Lead partner SLOVENIA
Municipal District Prague 9 ERDF partner CZECH REPUBLIC
European Development Agency ERDF partner CZECH REPUBLIC
Municipality of Velenje ERDF partner SLOVENIA
Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. ERDF partner HUNGARY
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Project News

  • AgriGo4Cities - Project Success
    - 04-05-2020
    Project Success

    DTP PROJECT AgriGo4Cities PROMOTED AS GOOD EXAMPLES OF 30 YEARS OF INTERREG! "...Moreover, in a factsheet prepared by the European Commission about Interreg-30 years, two other DTP projects have been promoted: Networld and...

  • AgriGo4Cities - DTP Video Competition Winners
    - 04-06-2019
    DTP Video Competition Winners

    The AgriGo4Cities project was one of the participants to the Danube Transnational Programme Video Competition. The contest was open for every DTP project and the winners were selected by a jury composed by members of the DTP Joint Secretariat...

  • AgriGo4Cities - Diploma of Excellence for the Black Sea – Danubian Social & Economic Innovator
    - 04-06-2019
    Diploma of Excellence for the Black Sea – Danubian Social & Economic Innovator

    We are very proud to announce that our project ‘AgriGo4Cities – Urban Agriculture for changing Cities’ has been awarded the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ‘Black Sea – Danubian Social and Economic Innovator’. The ceremony, under the aegis...

  • AgriGo4Cities - Official Invitation - Awarding Ceremony of the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ”Social & Economic Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region”
    - 14-05-2019
    Official Invitation - Awarding Ceremony of the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ”Social & Economic Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region”

    Official Invitation - Awarding Ceremony of the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ”Social & Economic Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region” High Level International Stakeholders Event: ”Boosting transnational cooperation through...

  • AgriGo4Cities - DTP Video Competition
    - 11-04-2019
    DTP Video Competition

    Help us to promote our project AgriGo4Cities through the DTP competition. Please click on the link below and LIKE the original post on the project Facebook page. ...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)