DAPhNE - Who We Are - Introduction of the Partnership


Nine out of the ten Danube riparian countries are represented in the DAPhNE consortium enabling a truly transnational work approach, fostering exchange of experiences and preparing the basis of the development and implementation of widely harmonized solutions.

The 23 partners are key stakeholders for the future development of the Danube ports and are capable to tackle the core problems identified in the work structure and grouped into port legislation & public funding, port administration & management – including HR & eco-improvements for the port sector and port development – focused on innovation (IT port community system, new market opportunities).

Public bodies like ministries and port authorities/administrations which provide the regulatory framework for the Danube ports joined forces with private port operators, port associations, specialized consultancy firms, logistics companies and universities.

This close public - private cooperation not only ensures a wide range of expertise from different angles but also guarantees well-balanced solutions in the interest of states and industry.

Read more about the project partners on the links below:

Lead Partner:

Pro Danube International - AUSTRIA

ERDF Project Partners:

Ennshafen Port - AUSTRIA

iC consulenten ZT GesmbH - AUSTRIA

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - AUSTRIA

National Company Maritime Danube Ports Administration Galati - ROMANIA

National Company Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanta - ROMANIA

Ovidius University of Constanta - ROMANIA

Pro Danube Romania - ROMANIA

Ministry of Transport - ROMANIA

Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company - BULGARIA

Public Institution Port Authority Vukovar - CROATIA

RGO Communications Ltd - CROATIA

ILR Logistica Romania SRL - ROMANIA

Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports - HUNGARY

Public Ports jsc - SLOVAKIA

IPA co-financed Project Partner:

Port Governance Agency - SERBIA

Associated Strategic Partners:

Container Terminal Enns - AUSTRIA

Giurgiu Municipality - ROMANIA

Port of Vienna - AUSTRIA

Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure - CROATIA

Ministry of Transport, Information Technology & Communications - BULGARIA

Danube Logistics SRL - MOLDOVA

State Enterprise Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority -  UKRAINE

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)