
The DREAM ROAD Online opening event was held on December 2nd, 2020. The DREAM ROAD Online opening event was organized by the Lead Partner RIS Mansion Rakičan. Over 65 attendees participated at the event from all 10 countries of the partnership.

The Online opening event of the project DREAM ROAD was held online due to COVID-related travelling restrictions in place in EU, although initially being planned to take place at the location of the lead partner in Rakičan, Slovenia. At the meeting, approximately 60 participants took place, including attendees representing 15 project partners from 10 Danube countries.

The meeting was organized with the following aims:
- to join the partnership consortium at a joint event,
- to introduce the general public and relevant stakeholders to the project and its main activities,
- to familiarize attendees with the central challenges and issues facing Roma across the Danube region.

The event was structured into two parts – the first part was dedicated to the project presentation, while the second part consisted of project background, highlighting most pertinent issues related to Roma today across the Danube region, those emerging in the light of the pandemic and the extend to which Roma can be empowered through education and social innovations. While the first part provided a better understanding of the project main vision, structure and objectives, the second part related the project to a broader context.


Invitation with the agenda can be downloaded here

Presentation from the event can be downloaded here

Press release can be downloaded here

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)