GREEN DANUBE - First Partners Meeting


The first GREEN DANUBE Partners Meeting hosted by Lead Partner CERONAV in Constanta on 24 February checked and confirmed adequate set up of project teams at partner level, familiarization with DTP rules and preparedness of all partners for project start. 

All partners received detailed instructions on their project management and communication tasks and were also assigned specific responsibilities regarding immediate steps in the project.

Partners Meeting presentations

Subsidy contract, GANTT - Meetings schedule, DTP documents, Partnership Agreement, GREEN DANUBE Project Handbook –

Vasile Pipirigeanu/ Teodor Popa/Florentina Petre – CER

Financial management, overview of budget, spending forecast, reporting procedures and templates –Gabriela Costea – CER

Project logo, Draft Communication Plan, First Green Danube newsletter –Robert Rafael – PDM

Quality management – Ghiuler Manole – CER

Act. 3.1: Definition of assessment criteria and critical environmental areas for preparation of survey of pollutant emissions from IWT vessels and development of working methodology for measurements – Doina Munteanu/ Mihaela Tudor – CER/ DDNI

Act. 3.1: Development of working methodology for measurements –Doina Munteanu/ Mihaela Tudor – CER/ DDNI

Act. 3.2: Performance of measurements in the selected critical environmental areas – Adrian Burada/ DDNI

Reduction of pollutant emissions from IWT vessels and impact on critical urban, rural and protected environmental areas –

Valery Penchev/ BDCA



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)