EDU-LAB - Welcome to Krisztina, our 4th IVY Volunteer


We are glad to welcome our 4th IVY volunteer, Krisztina Judit Toth in our team, who started working in our Stuttgart office this week.

"Coming from Hungary, I am deeply aware of the challenges young people face on the labour market these days, and I am happy to contribute to a project that aims to tackle this crucial issue in the region.

I hold a Master´s degree in Social Sciences, Media and Communication Studies from Lund University and my studies focused on sociology and public policy during my Erasmus semester in Paris. My interest in social issues led me to complete internships at Amnesty International and the European Parliament Information Office in Budapest.

I am very excited to learn more about developing education and labour market policies in a transnational framework, and see first-hand how a complex project such as EDU-LAB comes into life."

Krisztina will work with us for 6 months and will be involved in tasks related to communication, project management and developing policy guidelines. Next week, she is already off to Sofia, taking part in the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum and representing the EDU-LAB project.

The Interreg Volunteer Youth programme is an initiative aimed at young Europeans to help implement cross-border projects in various fields such as culture, civic engagement and territorial development. Further information about the programme, including current placement offers and conditions can be found on IVY´s website. You can also read the introductions of TheodorosAlina and Mia, our previous volunteers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)