DAPhNE - project event dedicated to port development successfully organised on 18 October in Budapest


The Port Policy Day event in Budapest brought together 50 experts from the Danube port community (port authorities/administrations, port operators), IWT stakeholders, representatives of ministries of Danube States and of European Commission services relevant for port governance/port policy as well as of international organisations including financial institutions.

In a workshop atmosphere, the participants discussed current and forthcoming policy issues of strategic importance for the Danube ports. The issues touched during the discussions with the invited speakers (Ms Maja Bakran-Marcich, Deputy Director General/DG Move; Mr Eduardo Martinez Rivero, Head of Unit E3/DG Competition; Mr Hugues van Honacker, Senior Expert Unit D3/DG Move; Mr Alexander van den Bosch, General Secretary EFIP; Mr Gerhard Gussmagg, Managing Director Mierka Donauhafen Krems)  ranged among the following areas:

  • Infrastructure development needs
  • Activities of EU to support port development in Danube region
  • Public funding / State Aid / General Block Exemption Regulation
  • Instruments for financing infrastructure needs
  • Good practices in public funding and private-public partnership
  • Role of ports for economic development of the region

The workshop consisted of valuable keynote speeches on foreseen European actions for port infrastructure development, applicability of the state-aid regulations in case of port investments and good practice examples of port cooperation in Western Europe, topics which were further analysed during the round-table discussion and the interactive question & answer session.

Presentations of the day can be downloaded from here:

More pictures of the event can be found in the Gallery.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)