Danube S3 Cluster - Final newsletter of Danube S3 Cluster project


Danube S3 Cluster Project has reached its enD


For more than three years, project partners had worked together in order to improve cluster policies and cooperation in Agro-food sector in the Danube region. It was a constant and hard work from all the partners involved and we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them for all the efforts, enthusiasm and time dedicated to the project. Also, we would like to thank all the stakeholders that actively had participated in our events, namely at: workshops, policy dialogues, training courses, brokerage events, innovation forums and Final Conference. Without all of you these great results could not have been obtained. So, a big THANKS to you all and we are comitted to continue our work and support the development of the Danube region! On behalf of Danube S3 Cluster project partners, we would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


In this final newsletter, we would like to present the work conducted in the final semester, namely the activities related to the Danube S3 Cluster reaction to the COVID-covid pandemic. 


BILATERAL DIGITALIZATION MEETINGS on 3D printing, drone, Business animation and AI in the agri-food sector


The need for digitalization developments is increasingly present in the lives of companies. The importance of digitization is not only visible in manufacturing companies, but also present in agri-food companies. Because of this need, the Danube S3 Cluster partnership has decided to help the companies navigate the world of digital solutions. This year, a total of 82 stakeholders were trained by the PBN team.


More info here



As a follow up on the transnational analysis of the regional context and cluster innovation potential in the Danube region that was conducted within the Danube S3 Cluster project, the project partners under the lead of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum developed a mapping of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemics on the agri-food sector in the partner countries in general and on clusters in this field, specifically.


More info here

Lessons learned, embedded in the development of the HUNGARian CLUSTER STRATEGY


The cluster strategy preparation process offers a great opportunity to the Hungarian DS3C project partners to influence the procedures demonstrating the lessons learned and the drawn conclusions, prepared Danube S3 Cluster strategies to the representatives of the responsible ministry. In order to achieve this, a bilateral online meeting was organized on 30th November 2021 by IFKA with the representative of the responsible ministry ensuring that some of the results could be actually built into the Hungarian cluster strategy.


More info here



Partners have been building upon the activities of implementing the Local action plan, where they have been building connections and creating networks. Those activities have been transformed to support the creation of new networks in the form of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH). On the other hand, existing ones have been linked together to find synergies that will be exploited under the European DIH initiative from European Commission.

More info here




After the partners of Danube S3 Cluster project had mapped the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on the agri-food sector, they also provided recommendations for the sector and for the clusters to recover and to become even stronger. The Pandemic Response Plan was designed for agri-food cluster managers on the actions to be taken in the post-Covid periods, mainly focusing on leading the green and digital transition and building resilience. 

More info here



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)