A final Message from ouR team!

Over the last decade, the topic “research infrastructure/s” (RI) gained importance in the Danube macro-region – at European level the increasing policy importance becomes evident through strategic actions such as tax exemptions for RIs in the ERICs.
Also the cross-European coordination with ESFRI and its roadmaps (most recently in 2018) has changed the “game” substantially. Still, core challenges include not only (1) financing but concern (2) access policies and models, (3) the role of RIs for competitiveness, (4) the adaptation of RI funding in national and regional funding measures and (5) the role of universities and better internal coordination of activities beyond higher education tasks.
Considering the funding challenge, current development influences also the universities on their way to establish better internal coordination of investments in activities beyond education tasks.
Especially in the Danube macro-region and referring to macro-regional challenges, human resources, furthermore, discussions on new thematic directions of RIs or on the diversity in networked RIs request a well-adjusted approach and strategy. ResInfra@DR met listed challenges by (1) the provision of dialogue with stakeholders on all levels, (2) a specific capacity building and (3) dedicated pilot activities providing practical support to organisations mainly beyond the partnership. Our proposal for a Joint Action Plan addresses the EUSDR Priority Area 7 and the Working Group on Research Infrastructure bringing specific topics into focus based on the continous need for support over the next years.
In 2015 a core group of enthusiasts from agencies, ministries and research organisations in the Danube macro-region have developed the idea for ResInfra@DR. Following this vision, our partnership included main actors contributing to strategic decisions in the context of research infrastructures. ResInfra@DR project activities in nine partner countries invited a wide range of stakeholders for mutual learning actions and the co-development of a set of guidance documents according to specific needs, furthermore, a successful training series, which contributed to needs based capacity building and training materials.
After 30 months, this final issue of our newsletter provides an insight into major project outcomes and (final) activities. While the project has formally closed on June 30 2019, our website will be retained as a source of information about the project and as a site to connect those interested in maintaining a connection to the ResInfra@DR network.
We like to thank our readers for being part of the ResInfra@DR story and very much look forward to further encounters with you!
The ResInfra@DR project team
Registry of Research Infrastructure Reviewers: restricted version is now freely accessible
The Registry of competent and qualified reviewers for Research Infrastructure (RI) evaluation was developed by the ResInfra@DR project to contribute to the efforts for establishing new research infrastructures and upgrading the existing ones in the Danube macro-region. The Registry contains information about 196 reviewers with the knowledge, experience and ability to conduct ex-ante assessments of upcoming and/or planned RIs; to participate in the work on the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures; or to be included in any other tasks such as monitoring of research infrastructures or assessment of their socio-economic and other impacts. All experts in the Registry were approved after a review conducted by a commission, which examined over 370 applications. Two rounds of verification and revision of information in the Registry made sure that the Registry provides information, which is reliable and updated.
The Registry is predominantly intended as a practical tool for the authorised personnel of relevant ministries (ministries in charge of science, research and technology), science and research funding authorities, and agencies in charge of research infrastructures. The aim is to assist them in their efforts to build up excellent research infrastructure and to support investment decisions.
Read more and access the Registry here…
training materials available
Between February and May 2018, the ResInfra@DR project organised three training events to build capacity for evaluation, planning, monitoring and management of research infrastructures (RIs). The trainings were attended by 95 policy-makers from RI programme owning and funding authorities, active RI operators and coordinators, and potential or active RI reviewers. Participants came from 14 Danube region countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine).
The first training was organised in Sofia, followed by events in Banja Luka and Bucharest. After the successful completion of all three events, the training materials were revised and finalised based on the input received from participants.
If you would like to access and download the training materials, please follow the link...
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- Preview on ResInfra@DR publications (forthcoming)
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Publications are available soon: ResInfra@DR library...
- ResInfra@DR partners contributed to the final conference by D-STIR project in Braila, Romania
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- ResInfra@DR Info session in Belgrade
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- ResInfra@DR at the EUSDR Annual Forum 2019 in Bucharest
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- Interview: From vision to achievements
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- ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange forum on 22-23 May in Bratislava
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- Pilot Activity 2: External Experts’ working visit to IFIN-HH / ELI-NP in Magurele, Romania
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ProJect ImPressiONS - ResInfra@DR Synergy meeting in Vienna
MEDIA ECHO (selection)
- ResInfra@DR project featured by the Austrian Press Agency
Read more... (text in German)
- Project on the occasion of the ResInfra@DR Synergy meeting in Vienna featured by the Austrian newspaper derSTANDARD
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- ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange meeting in Bratislava featured by Vedanadosah science portal
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- Quark magazine on ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange meeting in Bratislava
Read more... (text in Slovak)
- EUDSR - Danube Region Strategy online article on ResInfra@DR
Read more...(text in English)
Thank you & Good Bye!
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