FORESDA newsletter (june-december 2017)

We welcome you to our second FORESDA newsletter! You'll find that it is filled with interesting information on the events and news related to FORESDA project, but also important news on the policies and innovative projects related to the forest-based industries.
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FORESDA Editorial Team
Transnational Strategy and Local Action Plans For Improved Cross-sectoral Collaboration Are Being Finalized
The objective of the workpackage 3 is to develop a joint Transnational Strategy on improving the framework conditions for forest-based cross-sectoral value chains, and mirror this strategy in Local Action Plans for improved cross-sectoral innovation processes for SMEs of the forest-based sector. In order to create the documents, project partners performed different activities. After the mapping and analysis of the regional innovation systems, the partners compared the results and selected the needs for enhancing each regional innovation system. Read more...
Pilot Projects About To Be Started
One of the most interesting activities group of FORESDA project is the design, and implementation of pilot innovation environments, that should address one or several of the needs defined in the Transnational Strategy document. The actual implementation of the pilots is having a strong regional character. Each region will implement and develop different pilot innovation environment but they can all be grouped into three thematic focuses: (1) Smart and sustainable construction and furniture, (2) Non-conventional uses of wood-based materials and (3) Energy efficiency. Read more...
Successful First Year Review Of The FORESDA Project
In the framework of the 6th Romanian Cluster Conference, the General Assembly and two mini-workshops of the FORESDA Project took place in November 2017 in Bucharest. Additionally, the project partners took this opportunity to organize the First-year-review meeting with JS Project Officer Mr. Marius V. Nicolae, who supported partners related to the achieved results in the first year. The partners presented their activities and discussed the challenges with the PO, who pointed out the importance of the final output, the Sustainability Plan, which should integrate all of the previously achieved project results. Read more...
Thematic Focus: FBI EVENTS
IMM Cologne: One Of The Biggest Highlights Is Smart Home Section
The first interiors show of the year 2018, the world-famous IMM Cologne, will open its doors between 15th and 21 of January. It will present the trends that will be shaping the furniture and interiors sector – and the products that are good for business. At the IMM Cologne, visitors will find a unique variety of interior design ideas for every room, every style and every requirement – from the basics all the way to designer items and luxury furnishings. Read more...
Bruxelles: Conference on R&D in January
On 30th-31st January 2018 a conference on R&D in Southeast European countries will be organized in order to encourage the economy growth and development projects. The Southeast European countries have a great potential in terms of innovations, however, there is a lack of communication and collaboration models between public, R&D, and business sector. Also, there is a big gap between implementation of the scientific and research results and society in whole. Read more...
5th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Biobased Industries
The 5th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries ("PTF BPI 2018") will take place on 20th–21st September 2018 in Freising/Munich, Germany. The biennial conference provides a forum for discussions and networking opportunities among teaching staff, researchers and producers of forest and bio-based products and acts as a catalyst for new research and development, and applications for manufacturing industries. Read more...
Workshop On The Collaboration Of The Creative Industries And Furniture Industry: How To Develop Innovative Products
During the third conference Adriatic Wood Days (December 2.017) a matchmaking event and a workshop between woodprocessing companies and representatives of creative industries were organized. Namely, the Regional Development Agency of the City of Zagreb (RAZA), took the opportunity of the presence of the respective stakeholders and organized the event in order to encourage the establishment of the collaboration between woodprocessing companies and designers. Read more...
Regional Innovations Symposium To Boost The Crosslinking of the Wood-processing Industry
A two-day symposium RegioHOLZ will be organized on the 17th and 18th of January 2018 at the University of Applied Science Pforzheim, in order to encourage the networking and establishment of the projects between business and science representatives. This event also represents the platform for the future of the timber and furniture industry, and is a great example of how to bring together SMEs and scientific community related to FBI sector, which collaboration needs to be improved in order to be able to catch up with the sustainable economy trends. Read more...
Thematic Focus: FBI Policies and Strategies
Forest-based Industries Support The New EU Industrial Policy Strategy
On 13th September, the Commission has unveiled an Industrial Policy Strategy that aims at empowering European industries to continue delivering sustainable growth and jobs. In his address, President Jean-Claude Juncker stated: "I want to make our industry stronger and more competitive. The new Industrial Policy Strategy should help our industries stay or become the world leader in innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation." Read more...
Building with Wood Conference
Multiple issues related to wood Construction were debated at the European Economic and Social Committee during the conference Building with Wood that took place on the 21 of November 2017. The conference was co-organized by CEI-Bois (European Confederation of Woodworking Industries), FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation) and EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Woodworkers). Read more...
EU Revision Of Forest Strategy
The EU Forest Strategy, published in September 2013, provides a coherent framework for better response to the new challenges facing forests and the forestry sector. The Strategy was a welcomed step forward to recognize the multifunctional role of sustainable forest management to respond to key societal challenges. The Strategy foresees a review to be carried out by 2018 to assess progress in its implementation. Read more...
Thematic Focus: FBI & INNOVATIONS
Transformation Of Wood Ash Waste Into Construction Materials
The ongoing project TAREC2 , which deals with the transformation of wood ash waste into construction materials, is already showing interesting results. Woody and agricultural biomass are among the highest biomass potentials for energy production as a sustainable fuel. This will lead to the production of a foresee amount of 15.5 million tons of biomass ash in the EU - 28, which will double its current amount. Read more...
British Columbia is investing $7.7 million to promote the use of wood
The Government of British Columbia is investing $7.7 million to promote the use of B.C. wood, advance wood building systems and products, and expand global markets. Premier Christy Clark made the announcement in her keynote speech already in April, pointing out that the forestry will always play a crucial role in communities throughout B.C. Read more...
Steelcase opened Learning+Innovation Center (LINC) in Munich
The worldwide known US producer of the office furniture, company Steelcase, opened in November its second Learning+Innovation Center (LINC). The first LINC was opened as a part of the company's headquarters, in Grand Rapids/Michigan, and this one in Munich. The three-building campus is a 14,400 sq space designed for over 250 employees from 25 nationalities. Read more...
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