MOVECO Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy

Circular economy

In this section, you will be regularly updated on circular economy events and literature.

Circular economy events organised or attended by MOVECO

Circular economy events


MOVECO Interreg roll-up - Circular Economy in the Danube region

Literature on Circular Economy

  • Accenture: Full Circle - Turning Waste into Value with Your Supply Chain, by Kevin Eckerle, Sudipta Ghosh and Harry Morrison (2017)
    "Now nearly all large product-based companies say they've implemented circular supply chains for recovery and recycling. But despite the enthusiasm, too many programs remain “skin deep,” failing to capture the full potential of the approach. It’s time to come full circle—transforming supply chain operations and company cultures to build an ecosystem of partners, suppliers and markets that capitalize on circularity."
  • Accenture: Waste to Wealth - A book by Peter Lacy and Jakob Rutqvist (Executive summary) (2015)
    "Accenture’s book, “Waste to Wealth,” examines how the transition to a circular economy may be the biggest revolution and opportunity for how we organize production and consumption in our global economy in 250 years. Powered by advances in digital, it represents a huge opportunity for companies to create a circular advantage."
  • Chatham House: Resources Futures (2012), by Bernice Lee, Felix Prestion, Jaakko Kooroshy, Rob Bailey and Glada Lahn
    "This report focuses on the new political economy of resources. It analyses the latest global trends in the production, trade and consumption of key raw materials or intermediate products and explores how defensive and offensive moves by governments and other stakeholders are creating new fault lines on top of existing weaknesses and uncertainties."
  • De Groene Zaak and Ethica: Boosting Circular Design for a Circular Economy (2015)
    "This report explores the crucial role of design in moving towards circular economy (CE). Can circular design approach be effectively furthered through regulation and if so, in what way? Can principles of circular design be embedded in the existing Ecodesign Directive?"
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation: Achieving Growth Within (2017)
    "This report finds that scaling the circular economy in Europe offers investment opportunities totalling €320 billion in the food, mobility and built environment sectors. The study was produced by SYSTEMIQ in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and sponsored by SUN."
  • Ellen MacArthurFoundation: The Circular Economy: A Wealth of Flows - 2nd Edition (2017)
    "A circular economy has profound consequences for production, employment, education, money and finance but also induces a shift in public policy and taxation. The economic advantage of this model lies in designing out waste, enabling access over ownership, favouring radical resources productivity, with prospect of rebuilding natural capital and resilience."
  • Ellen MacArthurFoundation: The New Plastics Economy - Catalysing action (2017)
    "Launched at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos in January 2017, this new research presents three strategies to increase reuse and recycling of plastic packaging to 70%, from today's recycling rate of just 14%. The report provides a clear action plan, endorsed by over 40 industry leaders, for the global plastics industry to design better packaging, increase recycling rates, and introduce new models for making better use of packaging."
  • Ellen MacArthurFoundation: Towards the Circular Economy - Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition (2013)
    "This 20-page executive summary report sets out the organisation's latest insights and analysis on the circular economy. Towards a Circular Economy: Business Rationale for an Accelerated Transition summarises the Foundation's analysis to date, and presents its latest thinking on the need for a transition, what the impact might be on the economy, society and the environment, and how we might get there. It is relevant to all with an interest in the opportunities presented by the circular economy."
  • Ellen MacArthurFoundation: Urban Biocycles (2017)
    "This scoping paper focuses on the potential of the significant volume of organic waste flowing through the urban environment."
  • European Commission: Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Counci, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation of  the Circular Economy Action Plan (2017)
  • European Commssion: EU Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy (2018)
    "A Europe-wide EU Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy and annex to transform the way plastics and plastics products are designed, produced, used and recycled. By 2030, all plastics packaging should be recyclable. The Strategy also highlights the need for specific measures, possibly a legislative instrument, to reduce the impact of single-use plastics, particularly in our seas and oceans."
  • European Environment Agency: Circular by Design - Products in the circular economy (2017)
    "This report explores the circular economy from a product perspective, applying a systemic approach and transition theory. Drivers of product design and usage are discussed in the context of emerging consumption trends and business models. For governance to be effective, it has to address the product life-cycle and the societal context determining it. Indicators and assessment tools are proposed that can help fill the current data and knowledge gaps."
  • European Parliamentary Research Service: European Parliament’s Science and Technology Option Assessment (STOA) Panel, Oakdene Hollins UK, Circular Economy Research Unit of Wuppertal Institute DE): Towards a circular economy - Waste management in the EU (2017) 
    "This study assesses the role of the five waste streams – municipal waste, packaging waste, food waste, bio-waste, and critical raw materials – in the transition toward a circular economy in the municipalities and Member States of the EU."
  • United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP: Global Material Flows and Resource Productivity. An Assessment Study of the UNEP International Resource Panel (2016).
    "Growing concern about assuring affordable, equitable and environmentally sustainable access to natural resources is well founded. In this report UNEP shows global natural resource use trends and propose indicators for evidence-based policy formulation."
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development: CEO Guide to the Circular Economy (2017)
    "The Guide – developed in cooperation with Accenture and signed by 14 CEOs from companies including Unilever, Danone and Tata – aims to give CEOs and business leaders the tools they need to implement circular economy principles. The Guide outlines five business models and three disruptive technologies companies can explore and implement in order to seize the USD$ 4.5 trillion opportunity the circular economy represents."
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Circular Economy Practitioner Guide (2017)
    "The circular economy moves away from the traditional “take-make-dispose” economic model to one that is regenerative by design. The goal is to retain as much value as possible from products, parts and resources to create a system that allows for long life, sharing, digitization and resource recovery. By applying these principles, companies can design out waste, increase resource productivity and decouple growth from natural resource consumption. The Practitioner Guide is designed to help you accelerate your transition towards the circular economy."
  • World Economic Forum: Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains (2014)
    "In this report, the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with analytics provided by McKinsey & Company, acting as project adviser, joined forces to reconcile the concept of scaling a circular economy within the reality of a global economy and complex multi-tier supply chains. The key objective is to propose a very specific joint plan of action for industry leaders."

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)