D-STIR - From policy dialogue to new instruments and tools for policy stakeholder


D-STIR project, as part of Thematic Pole 2 RDI framework support, was presented during the Capitalisation workshop organised in the context of the joint DTP – EUSDR 6th Annual Forum event, held during 18-19 October 2017 in Budapest.

On this occassion, “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering from Romania (IFIN-HH), partner of D-STIR project, underlined the need to create synergies between the projects where the 3 pillars of ELI – Extreme Light Infrastructure are involved.

The Interactive Session that took place within the Capitalisation workshop aimed to develop links between projects by setting-up communication platforms that lead to the extension of the Thematic Pole members by attracting projects with similar topics and relevant stakeholders, as well.

D-STIR, ResInfra@DR and RI2 Integrate projects are included in Thematic Pole 2 RDI framework support while the Pole Coordination is ensured by Ines Marinkovic, Centre for Social Innovation.

For more information on Thematic Pole 2 - RDI framework, please visit: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/relevant-documents/dtp-capitalisation-strategy/thematic-pole-2-rdi-framework-support

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)