successful kick-off meeting
The FORESDA project – Forest based cross-sectoral value chains fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region – was officially launched on 6-7 March 2017, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
On Monday, the consortium had its first internal project meeting, hosted by the Wood Industry Cluster of Slovenia. The kick-off meeting took place on Tuesday, 7 March, at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. The event was dedicated to a broad audience, and approached a series of interesting topics.
More information: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/392, facebook:https://www.facebook.com/foresda , twitter: https://twitter.com/foresda_eu_dtp
FORESDA was presented within the Info Day dedicated to promote the Second Call of Projects of the Danube Transnational Programme. The event took place in Brașov, Romania, on the 15 March 2017, organized by the Ministry of Regional Development – national contact point of the DTP in Romania.
Read more: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/826
FORESDA was presented at the kick-off meeting of the ”Made in Danube” – Interreg Danube project on the 22 March 2017. CyberForum was invited as Lead Partner of the Interreg Danube project FORESDA not only to present this project during one of the keynotes, but also to showcase the importance of establishing “cross-project” synergies. To do so, Tamara Högler, Head of Innovations and International Affairs, presented how the current CyberForum projects “Urban Inno” and “PERMIDES” gear into FORESDA and how these synergies maximize the overall effect and outcome of each single project.
Read more: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/829
wood industry and forestry in serbia - 2nd conference
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry, (member of the FORESDA consortium), together with biggest wood industry and forestry companies from Serbia, organized on the 7 of April 2017, at the University of Belgrade a conference entitled: “Wood industry and Forestry in Serbia”.
Read more about the conference: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/831
visit at the 7th international wood construction forum
The Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest visited the 7th International Wood Construction Forum as a representative for the FORESDA – Interreg Danube project. The International Wood Construction Forum (FBC) reunites the French and international worlds of wood construction annually in France. The 7th edition of the Forum took place on April 5th at Epinal, then April 6th and 7th at Nancy.
business lunch in the framework of germany's cluster week
On the 26 April, in the framework of Germany’s cluster week, a business lunch was organized by CyberForum and Regional Development Agency of Northern Black Forest.
Nine cluster representatives and representatives of similar institutions were invited to join the business lunch. FORESDA’s Lead-Partner CyberForum and the project partner, Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest, organized a business lunch in the framework of Germany’s National Cluster Week.
Read more: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/475
visit at ligna 2017
As a member and representative of the FORESDA consortium, the Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest participated, at LIGNA2017 in Hannover, Germany on the 22 and 23 of May to inform themselves of the latest trends in the Forest-based Industry. 22-26 May 2017: LIGNA 2017 – The world´s leading trade fair for woodworking and wood processing plant, machinery and tools.
14th wood technology conference in opatija, croatia
FORESDA was presented at the 14th Wood-Technology Conference by mrs. Tamara Högler - head of innovation affairs at CyberForum e.V, also lead partner of the project. The conference took place on the 5th and 6th of June, in Opatija, Croatia.
Read the entire report of the conference here: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/794 |
#2 foresda project partner meeting
After the 14th Wood-technology conference in Opatija (Croatia), the FORESDA consortium had its #2nd project meeting, sharing experiences, achievements, results from the last 3 months, since the last meeting in March 2017 in Ljubljana; and also setting up some new targets to be achieved in the next project period.
The partners agreed to organize the next meeting at the beginning of September, in Sopron, Hungary at the InnoLignum Sopron event, the biggest wood and forestry conference in Hungary. More information about the next meeting will be available on our website: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/foresda
information and participation day - european strategy for the danube region
On 29 June 2017, the State of Baden-Württemberg organized an Information and Participation Day in Stuttgart in the framework of the European Strategy for the Danube Region, which aims at making the Danube Region one of the most attractive regions of the 21st century. The FORESDA consortium was represented by Claire Duval, from the Regional Development Agency of Northern Black Forest - among other 100 participants from all over the State of Baden-Württemberg. As Baden-Württemberg coordinates priority number eight dealing with the competitiveness of SMEs, Michael Kleiner from the Ministry of Economics mentioned FORESDA as one of the projects targeting this priority area.
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