DanubeChance2.0 - Fourth Newsletter


Promotional video of the project







DanubeChance2.0 project has released a promo video to raise awareness of entrepreneurs about the importance of being crisis resilient and overcoming fears of starting a new business in case you have already failed once.




GET inspired!


Discover our interviews with entrepreneurs, experts, and policymakers and get inspired.


BE better!


Trial and Error" Re-Design Transnational Academy of DanubeChance 2.0 project. The different modules in this Academy will make you ready to re-start! 


Learn to become a better entrepreneur!




INteresting materials for entrepreneurs


1. In the frame of DanubeChance2.0 we have elaborated a methodology of “Meet the Survivors” mentoring workshops focussed on interactive B2B exchange and knowledge sharing. Our report presents a methodology and framework for the organization of such events in a clear way.


2. Transnational Policy Learning Instrument - Supporting policymakers across the Danube region in reaching the common understanding of framework conditions needed for supporting entrepreneurs in crisis and helping failed entrepreneurs to restart.


3. Rescue and Revitalisation Transnational Tool - For entrepreneurs who are in a situation of crisis or restarting after bankruptcy we provide an overview of rescue and revitalization options available in their country.


what did we do at the beginning of 2020

  • The partnership organized some trainings to the entrepreneurs
  • The partners held some local meetings  to meet with our experts and stakeholders
  • We organized the first Policy Learning Dialogue Workshop
  • The partnership participated in the 4th Partner Meeting



"Trial and Error" re-design transnational academy


The partnership of the project during this period started to implement the training related to the Academy in 11 partner countries. Until now we reached:

  • 128 second-chance entrepreneurs
  • 8 policymakers
  • 8 financial institutions


Even the current situation is not able to stop us, we constantly organizing training in online platforms, to be able to help as many entrepreneurs as we can!


upcoming objectives and outcomes 



  1. Development of an evidence-based strategy to improve the framework for re-starting businesses
  2. Development and implementation of Regional Action Plans
  3. Settle a Second-chance entrepreneurship Community



  1. White Paper for policymakers based on evidence-oriented recommendations
  2. Development of training modules in the framework of a ‘Trial and Error’ Re-Design Transnational Academy
  3. Second-Chance Entrepreneurship Lab's Pilot‘ as an incubation programme

Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)