DanubeChance2.0 - Meet the Survivors – an innovative workshop format


Meet the Survivors – an innovative workshop format


Building a positive culture of second-chance entrepreneurship and boosting market re-entry of honest failed entrepreneurs through mentoring and peer-to-peer learning.

In the frame of DanubeChance2.0 we have elaborated a methodology of “Meet the Survivors” mentoring workshops focussed on interactive B2B exchange and knowledge sharing. Our report presents a methodology and framework for the organization of such events in a clear way.

The “Meet the Survivors” mentoring workshop aims to highlight outstanding stories of successful restarting entrepreneurs and to share experiences on the necessary skills to overcoming crisis situations.

The goal of the workshop is to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge between successful restarting entrepreneurs and financially distressed, recently started, bankrupt or failed entrepreneurs, financial intermediaries and investors as well as business accelerators in order to build up the positive culture of second-chance entrepreneurship and support market re-entry of non-fraudulent entrepreneurs through professional support and mentoring.

Our report presents the methodology used and validated in the 11 partner countries of the project, which can be replicated in other countries and regions.

The full version of the Output 3.4 is available here


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)