EDU-LAB - Newsletter Vol. 12


edu-lab better chances for young people - newsletter vol. 12


Dear Readers,


The EDU-LAB partnership consortium cordially invites you to attend the final conference entitled "Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region" taking place in Zagreb on 16-17 May. The conference is organised to celebrate our achievements and discuss the sustainability of the project results. Below you can find more information on the conference as well as other upcoming and past EUSDR and DTP events we are/were involved in.


Kind regards,

Krisztina Tóth

Project Coordinator

On behalf of the European Foundation for Education (lead partner of EDU-LAB)


edu-lab final conference in zagreb, 16-17 may 2019


Registration is open until 28 April 2019 for EDU-LAB`s final conference entitled “Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region”, taking place in Zagreb on 16-17 May. At the event, the Danubian Charter of Young Talents will be signed by project partners and selected stakeholders to symbolise our long-term commitment to the project goals. You can find more information and register on the conference subpage.


The day before, on 15 May, the EDU-LAB project consortium will hold its last Steering Committee and Partner Meeting.


dtp video competition


EDU-LAB entered the Danube Transnational Programme´s Video Competition, watch our video and vote by liking it here.


8th eusdr annual forum in bucharest, 27-28 june 2019


The 8th EUSDR Annual Forum will take place in Bucharest on 27th and 28th June 2019, registration is open until 18th June.

EDU-LAB is among the five projects invited to present themselves in the plenary session entitled "Present and future roles of the Danube Transnational Programme in the Danube region" on 28 June 2019. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster will present EDU-LAB and Dr. des. Ágnes Sebestyén, as pole leader, will hold a presentation on Thematic Pole 9 Educational Governance.

Read more…


revision of the eusdr action plan


The revision of the EUSDR Action Plan, written in 2011, is currently under preparation, addressing the new challenges of the Danube Region. On 1 April 2019, a stakeholder consultation was held in Stuttgart organised by the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. In five thematic groups (education, migration, digitalisation, youth and Roma), stakeholders of Baden-Württemberg had the chance to discuss the most pressing challenges and ideas to mitigate them. Monika Burkard (Secretary General, European Foundation for Education) led the thematic group on education, while Dr. des. Ágnes Sebestyén (Project Director of EDU-LAB, European Foundation for Education) gave a presentation on DTP Thematic Pole 9 Educational Governance.


capitalisation meeting in budapest, 19 march 2019


The Danube Transnational Programme has organised a capitalisation meeting for Thematic Pole Leaders and Priority Area Coordinators in Budapest on 19 March 2019. Thematic Pole leaders and Priority Area Coordinators presented their work and achievements and discussed future capitalisation activities. Monika Burkard (European Foundation for Education, EDU-LAB) presented Thematic Pole 9 Educational Governance. Read more…


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)