



To our valued partners, associates and friends, all of us here at ECO KARST project wish you happiness and peace this holiday season. 


LET'S talk about business in the upper austria


Steinbach, Austria - On November 21, 2018, Kalkalpen National park gathered their stakeholders for the second time around the topic of sustainable development and nature protection in Kalkalpen National park.  Where do experts see business ideas and potential implementation partners? Where do national parks see themselves as initiatiors of starting up the business?


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pro biodiversity business in žumberak nature park


Samobor, Croatia - On November 7, 2018, a second ECO KARST workshop titled „Setting goals and next steps for the economic and sustainable develpment“ was held in the eco-centre Budinjak in Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature park. Led by an experienced moderator – Mr. Vedran Lucić from the BIOM association, participants worked in groups in order to identify and analyze the most significant Pro Biodiversity businesses in the area of Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature park.


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strong connection with stakeholders leads to success 


Vârtop, Romania - On November 15, 2018, Apuseni Nature Park Administration organized the workshop on sustainable development of the Apuseni Nature Park area at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vârtop. The interactive activities and discussions at the workshop focused on pro-biodiversity business (PBB) development, a key concept in ECO KARST project, which argues that the functioning of most economic activities depends on certain services that nature provides (ecosystem services). 

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key elements of successful pro biodiversity business


Cerknica, Slovenia - The main objective of the workshop was to identify key elements of a successful Pro Biodiversity business as well as to list specific measures required for a specific ecosystem conservation. Participants identified success factors for each of the selected Pro Biodiversity business. The information they were working on was organized in five different categories: legislation, funds, infrastructure, know-how and other. 


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a glimpse of inspiration for the future 


Bajina Bašta, Serbia - On October 26, 2018, a second workshop named Possibilities for Pro Biodiversity business development  was organized in Bajina Bašta, Serbia. The workshop was moderated by the experienced journalist Mrs. Jelena Božović who invested efforts in providing high quality event, focussing on the equal contribution of all participants. The inspiration for Pro Biodiversity business, participants got from Mrs. Milijana Šekler who owns the touristic farm „Šekler“ within the Golija Nature Park.

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pro biodiversity business in the bukk region


Eger, Hungary - In October 2018, a second workshop with stakeholders of the Bükk region was held in Eger. Pro Biodiersity Business possibilities for the Bükk region were highlighted by Mr. Udo Gattenlöhner from GNF, who gave a very accurate overview of the marketing, food certifications, sustainable tourism development possibilities, focusing on the Bükk region. 


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Ilijaš, Bosnia and Herzegovina - "The situation today is vastly different. Another photo: a parking lot, a tourist trolley, info point, the cave, educational trails and trail equipment. The old barracks are the same but project documentation for building an eco-camp on this location has been developed. The infastructure for visitors in the protected area is at a whole new level. And cooperation with the local community? Workshops organized within the ECO KARST project have shown that cooperation is excellent." - Mr. Matjaž H.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)