Collective care of the future generations through stewardship of innovation in the present



The European Commision is determined to bridge the gap between the scientific community and society at large. As such, D-STIR project connects technical experts with humanists in order to leverage maximal societal and business potential by implementing Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the whole innovation pipeline. Innovative SMEs and research institutions from 8 European countries (RO, SK, HU, SI, CZ, DE, HR, BA) participate in testing a method that was created in the USA but adapted to the special innovation characteristics of the Danube region. Socio-Technical Integration Research is a method that helps R&I actors to take steps towards RRI implementation. After a year and a half of the project duration, partners already achieved some important goals.


Start date: 01-01-2017
End date: 30-06-2019


Priority: Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective: Improve Framework Conditions for Innovation


Capacity Building Workshop in Szeged with prof. dr. Erik Fisher


In July 2017, Hungarian partners First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association, County Government of Csongrád and ELI-HU Research and Development Non-profit Ltd., hosted Capacity Building Workshop and 3rd Transnational Project Event in Szeged, Hungary. Consortium of partners welcomed STIR-Method (Socio-Technical Integration Research) developer and external expert of the Hungarian partner FHRIA, prof. dr. Erik Fisher from Arizona State University.



First study visit and Mid-Term event in Bucharest


Project objective is to take advantage of RRI benefits “for, with and by society, ethics and environment” to improve Danube conditions for innovations. In May, 2018 Romanian Partner Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering hosted Study visit and Mid-Term event in Bucharest. Event attracted local target groups from media, academia, researchers, entrepreneurs and people working in the field of innovation. With this D-STIR Project got the opportunity to get linked with target audience, to get an in-depth overview of the Project and to address topic of innovations in business and academia, it's challenges and future technologies in the world.



First application of STIR method in 8 european countries was conducted


It is widely acknowledged that responsible management of the innovation supply and demand chain requires interregional input. For this purpose, D-STIR project is geographically spread and includes 8 countries from Danube region that represent the varied levels of development and innovation maturity. It also represents a variety of innovation players. This is one of the main project’s added values to Danube region. 



D-STIR public workshop in Stuttgart


Partners consortium, participated at the International conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation in Stuttgart (ICE/IEEE). Topics related to innovation covered among others Living-Labs & Open-Innovation, Technology & Trend Foresight Management, Design-enabled Innovation in Cities, Digital Simulation of Business Models and Responsible Research and Innovation. Beata Udvari and Nikoletta Nadas, representatives of the project’s partner First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association (Hungary) presented the topics of RRI and the socio-technical research integration in conjunction with industry 4.0, digitalization, robotics, self-driving cars.





Interreg Reporters, in the framework of Interreg Volunteer Youth, Manon Levrey and Nóra Sebesi had the opportunity last year to meet an external consultant visiting D-STIR Project after our Capacity Building Worshop in Szeged. Prof. Erik Fisher, developer of the STIR-Method and D-STIR Project representative Miklós Lukovics spent some days in Budapest and happily explained motives and goals related to the project.


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                                 project's consortium


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)