RARE Changing Discourses, Changing Practices: The Roma as Human Resource

Name Type Email Country
Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta Lead partner meszaros.eszter@maltai.hu HUNGARY
City of Pécs, Urban Development Company ERDF partner egry.dora@pvfzrt.hu HUNGARY
Impreuna Agency for Community Development Foundation ERDF partner gelu.duminica@agentiaimpreuna.ro ROMANIA
Municipality of Sfantu Gheorge ERDF partner buja_gergely@yahoo.com ROMANIA
Department for Interethnic Relations - General Secretariat of the Government ERDF partner eniko.lacziko@dri.gov.ro ROMANIA
AMALIPE Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance ERDF partner deyan_kolev@yahoo.com BULGARIA
ETP Slovakia – Centre for Sustainable Development ERDF partner macakova@ke.etp.sk SLOVAKIA
People in Tatras, n.o. ERDF partner andrea.hagovska@gmail.com SLOVAKIA
Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences ERDF partner takac@saske.sk SLOVAKIA
Institute of Social Innovations ERDF partner danes@vellum.cz CZECH REPUBLIC
Standing Conference of the Roma Associations of the Citizens – the League of Roma IPA partner sandra.abramovic@mrc.org.rs SERBIA
Roma Inclusion Office IPA partner inkluzija.roma@gmail.com SERBIA
Know How Centre IPA partner boba.perinovic@gmail.com SERBIA
Ministry of Human Resources – Deputy State Secretariat for Social Inclusion Associated partner ildiko.fazekas@emmi.gov.hu HUNGARY
The Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Romania – Branch Sf.Gheorghe Associated partner denesm@honoris.ro ROMANIA
Malteser Charity Organization in Beregovo Region Associated partner makuk@malta.uz.ua UKRAINE
Roma National Center Associated partner radita@mtc.md MOLDOVA
Municipality of Lyaskovets Associated partner mkilcheva@abv.bg BULGARIA
Social Innovation and Enterprises Cluster Associated partner martin.spetla@seznam.cz CZECH REPUBLIC
Labour Office Kezmarok Associated partner Milan.gacik@gmail.com SLOVAKIA
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya Associated partner ljanovics@pbkik.hu HUNGARY

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)