RARE Changing Discourses, Changing Practices: The Roma as Human Resource

  • RARE - The gains from integration of Roma persons into the labour market
    - 30-09-2019
    The gains from integration of Roma persons into the labour market

    Roma persons in Central and Eastern European countries – due to low levels of education, discrimination and segregation – have much lower (legal) employment rates than the majority population. Not only does this translate into low incomes and...

  • RARE - Film of RARE project
    - 10-09-2019
    Film of RARE project

    Challenges, success, communities and human stories. See our short film of the RARE project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7MQujKQq1o&feature=youtu.be

    - 01-09-2019

    "J & I" Accounting agency: Željka, a young 29-year-old Roma, has decided to increase her qualifications and not just stay in hairdressing. With her full secondary education and high school graduation she practices in an accounting company. Her...

  • RARE - From Hate Speech to Happy Speech
    - 18-06-2019
    From Hate Speech to Happy Speech

    “From Hate Speech to Happy Speech” was the title of the exhibition organized as one of the side events during the 16th edition of the Open Heart Children Roma Festival organized by Center Amalipe on 7th and 8th June 2019. The exhibition has been...

  • RARE - Diversity
    - 28-05-2019

    Around 200 representatives from businesses, civil society and experts of the 28 (27) Member States of the European Union dealing with non-discrimination, equality and diversity issues took part in the 10th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum. The...

  • RARE - Final Conference in Serbia
    - 17-05-2019
    Final Conference in Serbia

    The final conference on the RARE project was held on Thursday, May 16, 2019, in Novi Sad, at the Assembly Hall of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. At the conference, the results of the project were presented, and their experiences were...

  • RARE - Local Open Seminar in Budapest
    - 06-05-2019
    Local Open Seminar in Budapest

    The workplace and employe of the future- Local Open Sminar was organized in Budapest. Experts discussed the challanges and opportunities of vulnerable groups, Roma people, women. We talked about that how the technology and robots will serve/help...

  • RARE - Sharing the experiences in Romania
    - 25-04-2019
    Sharing the experiences in Romania

    Experts from Know How Centre and  Roma Inclusion Office from Serbia visited the pilot project in Őrkő, Romania. The project aims to  integrate the Roma community by facilitating their entry into the labour market. At the meeting the members...

  • RARE - The stories of success
    - 04-04-2019
    The stories of success

    Amalipe Center held the seminar 'The stories of success' within the RARE project. The event was organized in a new and unknown for the public format – “pecha-kucha”, which brings casual environment and encourages an open dialogue between the...

  • RARE - Photos behind the scene
    - 20-03-2019
    Photos behind the scene

    The implementation of the pilot projects will be ended soon in the framework of RARE project.  See our photos of the trainings and on the job trainings in Hungary, Romania and...

  • RARE - Self-help house building project changes Romani people's lives
    - 04-02-2019
    Self-help house building project changes Romani people's lives

    A unique project involving the building of houses as a self-help measure is changing the lives of Romani people in the eastern Slovak municipality of Rankovce. A pilot project in 2013 made it possible for the first inhabitants of the settlement...

  • RARE - Produce Your Own Soundtrack to Life!
    - 28-01-2019
    Produce Your Own Soundtrack to Life!

    Tomislav Jovanović from Obrenovac, Serbia, hopes to one day produce original Roma-inspired music for a film production that will win awards and international recognition.   Ever since I was 10, 11 years of age I began to put...

  • RARE - Merry Christmas!
    - 21-12-2018
    Merry Christmas!

    We wish you all a happy Christmas!  

  • RARE - Study visit in Örkő
    - 18-12-2018
    Study visit in Örkő

    40 unemployed people started a special training , which could change their lives for a long term. The pilot project, which ends in mid-2019, aims to socially integrate the Roma by facilitating their entry into the labor market by attracting local...

  • RARE - Firms prefers to hire Romani citizens in Slovakia
    - 14-12-2018
    Firms prefers to hire Romani citizens in Slovakia

    Some Slovak firms have decided to give long-term unemployed Romani people jobs instead of attracting foreigners from abroad for them, a decision being made at a time when more than 80 000 jobs remain unfilled in the country. "We see potential in...

  • RARE - Amaro Records
    - 06-12-2018
    Amaro Records

    "They did not look at the skin colour. There was enough work and the approach was simple : you want to work, come on, we'll try you and we'll give you the job." -says Rene Pustaj about his experience in England. Now he is the bartender at the...

  • RARE - Pilots are going on!
    - 19-11-2018
    Pilots are going on!

    The implementation of the pilot projects has already started in the framework of RARE project. The media published the first steps of our initiative in Romania and in Hungary.  In Sfântu Gheorghe (Romania) the training programme offers...

  • RARE - Steering Committee and Thematic Working Group meeting was organized
    - 19-10-2018
    Steering Committee and Thematic Working Group meeting was organized

    It was the 3rd time, that project partners had the chance to discuss the implementation of RARE project. The meeting took place in Brno. All Working Group manager had a short presentation of the upcoming activities and tasks. Thereafter the...

  • RARE - Steering Committee and Thematic Working Group meeting is coming!
    - 11-10-2018
    Steering Committee and Thematic Working Group meeting is coming!

    This will be the 3rd time that project partners are going to discuss the implementation and the upcoming activities of RARE project. The meeting will take place in Brno on the 15th and 16th of October. On the second day Mr. Blaz Barboric...

  • RARE - 120 million poor wait for economic integration in Europe
    - 26-09-2018
    120 million poor wait for economic integration in Europe

    A three-day forum organized by the Fundamental Rights Agency began yesterday in Vienna to convene leading European and global players to discuss the protection and promotion of fundamental rights. MEP Lívia Járóka, Vice-President of the European...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)