Made in Danube Transnational Cooperation to transform knowledge into marketable products and services for the Danubian sustainable society of tomorrow

  • Made in Danube - Made in Danube - Successful Meeting in Novi Sad (Serbia)
    - 11-08-2017
    Made in Danube - Successful Meeting in Novi Sad (Serbia)

    02/08/2017 Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Koch from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) visited Novi Sad 1st – 2nd August. The meeting focused on the development of the Local Action Plan (LAP) in the field of Biofuels which...

  • Made in Danube - Made in Danube - Successful Expert Meeting in Vinkovci
    - 08-08-2017
    Made in Danube - Successful Expert Meeting in Vinkovci

    1/08/2017, Vinkovci (Croatia) – Within the context of the INTERREG Made in Danube project, Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Koch from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) visited project partner Dr. Ivan Ambroš – Head of...

  • Made in Danube - 1000 follower mark on Social Media surpassed!
    - 27-07-2017
    1000 follower mark on Social Media surpassed!

    2017-07-2017 Being aware of the fact that Social Media (SM) has become the first source of information and spread of knowledge, Made in Danube has been active on various platforms from the very beginning. Thanks to the active contribution from...

  • Made in Danube - Training on Technology Broker and Manager of Innovation
    - 20-06-2017
    Training on Technology Broker and Manager of Innovation

    Our Made in Danube partner IPA CIFATT Craiova organized trainings on "Technology Broker and Manager of Innovation" for the personnel of the Technology Transfer Center of National Institute of Biological Science in Bucharest. During these...

  • Made in Danube - Workshop on bioeconomy - Priorities for the development of bioeconomy in Oltenia region
    - 16-06-2017
    Workshop on bioeconomy - Priorities for the development of bioeconomy in Oltenia region

    The workshop was organized by our Made in Danube project partner IPA CIFATT Craiova together with the National Institute of Research and Development for Chemistry and Petrochemistry in Bucharest (Romania) in the framework of the project:...

  • Made in Danube - Successful 2nd PA Cross-fertilization Workshop Competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region
    - 28-04-2017
    Successful 2nd PA Cross-fertilization Workshop Competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region

    On the 25th of April 2017 the DANUBE-INCO.NET 2nd PA Cross-fertilization Workshop on Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region has been held in Vukovar, Croatia.The workshop was attended by 40 representatives...

  • Made in Danube - INVITATION: 2nd Priority Areas Cross-fertilization Workshop on 25th April 2017 in Vukovar/Croatia
    - 31-03-2017
    INVITATION: 2nd Priority Areas Cross-fertilization Workshop on 25th April 2017 in Vukovar/Croatia

    Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, as Working Group “Innovation and Technology Transfer” Coordinator in Priority Area 8, and Work Package Leader in the DANUBE-INCO.NET project will organize the event together with EKO-SUSTAV Ltd and Competence Centre...

  • Made in Danube - Successful Kick-Off Event of the Made in Danube project
    - 30-03-2017
    Successful Kick-Off Event of the Made in Danube project

    Lead partner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum and the whole consortium of the INTERREG project Made in Danube welcomed around 80 participants to the Kick-off Event which took place on 22nd March 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany. This event marked the official...

  • Made in Danube - 22 of March 2017, International Kick-off Conference, Stuttgart, Germany
    - 19-01-2017
    22 of March 2017,  International Kick-off Conference, Stuttgart, Germany

    Lead partner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum and the whole consortium of the Interreg project Made in Danube are delighted to invite you to the international Kick-off Event on 22nd March 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany. The event marks the official...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)