ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - The second round of workshops is just beginning


Each territory has its own specific potential that can help it to compete in the competitive environment of other regions.

During the late spring, the first round of workshops organized within the participatory planning process in order to establish national platforms for territorial attractiveness assessment took place in all partner countries. Possibilities and approaches for assessing the attractiveness of the Danube region were discussed and many indicators for assessing the attractiveness of the territory were proposed.

Now comes the time for the second round of the workshops where these results will be evaluated and used for next steps in the process of establishing the national platforms for assessing the territorial attractiveness of the Danube region.

Czech Republic

In June of this year, we organized the first of three planned workshops dedicated to the topic of territorial attractiveness and its assessment by indicators. Another part of this series of workshops, which we cordially invite you, is dedicated to the availability of data for assessing the sustainable development of the territory on a regional and local scale. All representatives of the public administration, academia, non-governmental organizations and the private sector are welcomed. The workshop will take place on 21 September 2017 from 10:00 to 14:30 in Evropský dům (Jungmannova 745/24, Praha 1).


The Lechner Non-profit Ltd. will organize second national workshop within the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project, which will be held this time in Budapest on 13 September 2017 at the premises of Lechner Non-profit Ltd. (1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 59), following its first workshop held in Szeged. The professional exchange of ideas for the development of the domestic territorial attractiveness monitoring platform continues with the representatives of interested researchers, NGOs and business and government spheres.

The workshop's morning theme is to outline indicators for measuring territorial attractiveness and to present the Smart City Settlement Assessment System. During the second half of the event, participants can learn through practical training about the use of the National Spatial Planning and Spatial Information System closely related to the data platform. (invitation to the workshop in Hungarian)


We would like to inform you about the second workshop in Romania which will take place in Brașov in the week of 16-20 October 2017. The exact date and place will be announced very soon.


We would like to inform you about the second workshop in Slovenia which will take place in Turnišče on 12 October 2017.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)