AgriGo4Cities - Urban agriculture as integral part of green urban infrastructure


The Spatial development strategy of Slovenia, adopted in 2004, provides guidelines for sustainable spatial planning and development on national and local levels. In line with governmental intention to update this environment-related strategic document, Slovenian partners involved in large number of green infrastructure related EU projects were invited to contribute their knowledge, vision and ideas.

Representatives of the projects were invited by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Government of Slovenia to join the round table, discuss project objectives and possible applications at national and local levels. Project representatives were also encouraged to search for synergies between projects.

Figure: Map representing areas of natural, cultural, agricultural and urban landscapes in Slovenia.

At the round table, which took part on 13th of July 2017 at Spatial Planning, Construction and Housing Directorate, dr. Jani Kozina presented objectives, main activities, expected policy implementations, pilot areas and time frame of AgriGo4Cities project. He emphasized that urban agriculture plays an important part in green urban infrastructure. However, its full potentials still need to be developed, especially in cities and countries of the Danube region.

The following projects were presented at the round table:
-    AgriGo4Cities (Interreg Danube): Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion
-    Perfect (Interreg Europe): Planning for Environment and Resource eFficiency in European Cities and Towns.
-    Urban Green Belts (Interreg Central Europe): Smart integrated models for sustainable management of urban green spaces for creating more healthy and liveable urban environments
-    LOS_DAMA! (Interreg Alpine Space): landscape and open space development in alpine metropolitan areas
-    Green Surge (European Commission Seventh Framework Programme, FP7): Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy 

The participants of the workshop agreed to have more frequent common meetings in the future. The need for searching synergies for the good of Slovenian green infrastructure was emphasized by all project representatives.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)