
As we are all aware, the lack of knowledge and information often leads to the formation of negative attitudes and prejudices about the capacities and needs of people with visual impairments. Therefore, the best way to enhance inclusion and combat prejudices is to provide education and training.

That is why one of the most important activities within DANOVA project are international and local trainings on the correct approach and communication with visually impaired passengers. After having conducted the international training in Budapest, aimed at managerial structures of the transportation facilities involved in the DANOVA project, PP7-HSS also conducted local trainings at the Dubrovnik Airport, Airports of Montenegro and Sarajevo International Airport, aimed at all professionals and employees getting in direct contact with VI passengers.

Considering the importance and valuable multi-layered positive impact of this activity, two additional trainings have been envisaged before the project closure.

On December 7th, 2022, the experts from the CBU conducted the training at the premises of Franjo Tuđman Airport Zagreb, as the main Croatian airport situated in the Croatian capital city. The training consisted of the theoretical part including types and causes of visual impairment, practical part of using simulation glasses and solving assignments, awareness-raising theory of prejudices and stereotypes, daily functioning and obstacles in the area of mobility and transportation, typhlotechnical aids and practical part consisting of correct guidance and approach to VI passengers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)