
The national workshop in Germany was held at 09.11.2022 as an online workshop conducted by TZE by following the agenda given next:

  • 08:30 – 09:00    Einloggen, Test von technischem Equipment, Downloads
  • 09:00 – 09:15    Projekt DanuP-2-Gas
  • 09:15 – 09:45    Vorstellung der Danube Energy Plattform und des Förderkatalogs
  • 09:45 – 10:30    Vorstellung des Transnational Renewable Energy Altas: Daten und Nutzung
  • 10:30 – 10:45    Pause
  • 10:45 – 12:00    Einführung in das Optimierungstool für Power-to-Gas-Hubs – Teil 1: Download, Konzept und Grundlagen
  • 12:00 – 13:00    Mittagspause
  • 13:00 – 14:30    Einführung in das Optimierungstool für Power-to-Gas-Hubs – Teil 2: Entwicklung eines Power-to-Gas Projekts mithilfe des Atlas und des Optimierungstools
  • 14:30 – 15:00    Vorstellung der Machbarkeitsstudie für Power-to-Gas in Deutschland
  • 15:00 – 15:15    Pause
  • 15:15 – 16:00    Rechtliche Aspekte von Power-to-Gas Projekten
  • 16:00 – 17:00    Offene Fragen und Diskussion

There were overall 3 participants present online. In total, around 100 people were invited via direct mailing, further institutions were invited using the company/organization e-mail address. A total of 10 participants registered, but only 3 participants actually logged in to the workshop. Possible reasons for the lack of interest have been identified: The workshop program was too long, thus in the future, a 2-3 hour workshop should suffice in order to attract more stakeholders. Further, the topic of Power-to-Gas and bioenergy are broadly known in Germany, thus the marketing should have been focused more on the actual tools, not so much on the topic itself.

However, after the workshop, TZE was invited to present the project results during another event organized by EurA AG (participant in the workshop). During this event, the project results were presented to approximately 25 participants, thus increasing the impact of the workshop and disseminating project results.

In average, the topics elaborated on the workshop were evaluated as follows (due to the low number of participants in the workshop, the feedback was collected right after the workshop end in a discussion):

Topic 1 Atlas Tool: Very useful

Topic 2 Optimization Tool: Very useful

Topic 3 Legal Analysis: Useful

Topic 4 Subsidies Catalogue: Useful

Summary of responses from the participants what they found the most interesting and useful on the workshop: 

The collected data, the Atlas Tool as well as the Optimization Tool were considered very useful, as this kind of data basis and that sort of elaborate Optimization Tool was not available publicly and free of charge in Germany before. The Subsidies Catalogue was considered useful, but with a low added value, as such catalogues exist in Germany already. The legal analysis was considered useful, but the bigger interest was on the technical components of the project. This was due to the background of the participants.

Summary of responses from the participants regarding their suggestions how this workshop could have been further improved:

Shorter workshop with just demonstration of the Atlas and Optimization Tool, interest in using the tools right away was very low.


Summary of responses of the participants regarding any specific interests they have in additional discussions with DanuP2Gas team (contact details should be left out and communicated differently for specific matters since the national report will finally also be the project deliverable, and in it specific personal information should not appear; leave out also any concrete specific detail with personal or companies details)

Further joint project should be developed using the data from the Atlas and the Optimization Tool as initial planning for P2G projects. Participants were very interesting in starting projects.


Summary of responses of the participants regarding any specific interest they have in P2G hubs in terms of potential linking with other stakeholders nationally or internationally (contact details should be left out and communicated differently for specific matters since the national report will finally also be the project deliverable, and in it specific personal information should not appear; leave out also any concrete specific detail with personal or companies details)

Participants were rather focused on cities and municipalities Germany/Bavaria. International cooperation might be interesting for exchange of best practices and joint development of projects with municipalities in other countries.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)