
On Friday, December 2, 2022, Polytechnic Faculty (Software engineering department) and the company Ant Colony Sarajevo with partner ZeForge organized a Meetup at the Impulse Creative Center of the ZEDA Agency.

Participants had the opportunity to learn the roles of different jobs in the IT industry, what and how developers, data analysts, devops, QA,. The event was supported by the City of Zenica and ZEDA Agency through the AGORA project, which is financed by the Danube Transnational Program.

This is a continuation of the activities on the promotion of the Pilot project within the Agora project - Annex B, the TechnoPark building, in order to develop community engagement through realisation of IT events. Adaptation of the building and its renovation began in September 2021, which upon completion, will provide 35 new spaces for SMEs, as well as a cabinet for robotics and CNC in which educations will be organized.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)