
The project team from the Technical University of Moldova (ENI-MD PP2-TUM) presented its results reflected through the project Capitalization Strategy and the Catalogue of Existing Solutions and Best Practices, as well as the Evaluation Report of the Passenger Terminal of the Chisinau International Airport, the communication elements within the project and financial performance evaluation.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the State Administration of Roads, the Civil Aeronautical Authority and the Chisinau International Airport, the Moldovan Railways, the Office for the Management of Foreign Assistance Programs, the Association of the Blind from Moldova, the Sports Federation Blind people from Moldova and the TUM administration, but also teaching staff, students of the Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture of TUM - over 100 people.

The representatives of the stated entities welcomed the activities carried out by the project team, considering the issue addressed as important and expressed their opinion that this subject requires sustainable development, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. The aspect of adjusting building regulations to specific unitary needs in accordance with the concept of "Universal Design" is a necessity for infrastructure and transport facilities, so that they are friendly for all users.

The TUM administration congratulated the project team and thanked the financiers - the European Union, which supports many projects in the country.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)