
DANOVA activities in Slovenia continue and three trainings on approaching and communicating with people with visual impairments were conducted.

Two trainings were held at the main bus station in Maribor on 8 November 2022, attended by station staff and bus drivers. The trainings were conducted by experts from the Slovenian Society for the Disabled Students, who provided participants with theoretical knowledge on how to assist passengers with visual impairments and gave them the opportunity to test simulation glasses to experience the visual impairment. Partially sighted and blind people also attended the training sessions and shared their experiences of travelling and using transport.

The third training, aimed at managers of transport service providers, was organised on 15 November. The content of the trainings was expanded with content on legislation and organisational culture to better support visually impaired passengers.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)