DANUrB+ - Building Camp for Students in Moldova Nouă


As part of the international INTERREG DANUrB+ Project, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning (Politehnica University of Timișoara), in collaboration with the „Danube Gorge” Moldova Nouă Technological High School and with the support of the Babeș-Bolyai University Centre in Reșița, organized a Building Camp for students, which was held during the last week of July in Moldova Nouă.

The purpose of this camp was to help the Moldova Nouă High School open its courtyard towards the public space and the Danube Promenade, thus creating a hub for the local community. As such, we focused on creating a gateway within the high school’s existing fence, as well as on arranging a series of wooden panels within the courtyard, on which the high school will be able to exhibit relevant materials for their activities.

The newly arranged space (which we now call „The Golubac Square”) was inaugurated on the 29th of July, with an event for the local community – part of which we also organized an exhibition that will inspire local students and motivate the community to work together in order to preserve and promote the local values. This exhibition, called „ DANUrBians: Stories That Build Communities”, focused on what we call DANUrBians – local heroes, who – through their enthusiasm, initiatives, and activities – helped build communities along the Danube. During this event, we also had the pleasure to hear some local artists perform.

The Building Camp was also visited by our partners from University of Belgrade (UNIV) - Faculty of Architecture and Euroland Banat Association and raised a lot of interest within the local community. We therefore hope that this activity will lead to many more future collaborations, with a positive impact on both international and local cooperation!


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)