Danube STREAM - 1st Board of Directors - Bratislava


1st Board of Directors will take place in Bratislava - organized by SVP.

The Board of Directors of the project includes all directors of Danube waterway administrations, acting as the Steering Committee of the project. This Board will implement transnational and common service level agreements as transnational operational strategies, with the aim to ensure sustainability of the services developed in the project.

The Agenda is focusing on the following:

  1. Danube STREAM overview;
  2. Overview of planned activities on improved “User information services”;
  3. Overview of planned activities on improved “Waterway management”;
  4. Overview of planned activities on  “Strategic Perspectives”;
  5. Summary of Description of Work (DoW);
  6. Involvement of BoD;

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)