
The second stakeholder meeting organized jointly by Slovenian project partners PP5-UM and PP10-MOM encompasses several physical site visits and online meetings. The aim was to present the proposed interventions and discuss the feasibility of their implementation on site, bearing in mind the project budget and the impact of planned interventions for the visually impaired passengers.

The first part of the meeting was held on March 10, 2022 and it consisted of in-person visit to pilot site and onsite check of problems identified in local assessment, as well as discussion about possible interventions.

The second part took place on March 30, 2022, and the partners organized it as in-person visit to pilot site to discuss possibilities for implementation of concrete interventions (placement of self-standing monitor, refurbishment of existing TWSIs and/or plan for new TVSIs installation).

The final part of the event took place online on April 12, 2022, in a form of a workshop where the partners offered a presentation of interventions to be considered for DANOVA pilot action implementation: self-standing monitor to display upcoming bus departures, and voice announcements of bus departures via “text to speech”. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)