CINEMA - The chamaeleon is back!


One week ago, the CINEMA project team from the Stuttgart Region re-opened the Chamaeleon Spaces in a new location within the City of Herrenberg. After the first version last year in an empty pub we are now lucky to revive a large and flexible space in a small inner-city shopping mall. This space allows a lot more coworking spaces, more popup store and larger events or meetings. Of course, the subject of gastronomy will be pursued less – but that’s the character of the Chamaeleon! It adapts to different locations, different seasons or already existing events in Herrenberg. This time the space remains open for 10 weeks until the end of July and we are excited to see how the Herrenbergers are accepting and using this formerly empty floorspace. Keep updated on

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)