DBS Gateway Region - Regional Stakeholder Workshops
The first phase of the project is dedicated to elaborate a Potential Analysis for the entire DBS Gateway Region leading to a Joint Vision 2040. Thus, the Potential Analysis will give a clear picture on existing and future markets by gathering existing studies, harmonized in terms of indicators, actuality and data quality and missing information is added.
Future development options are discussed with relevant stakeholders (industry, operators, freight forwarders etc.) in workshops held in each participating region.
Follwing workshops are scheduled:
- 20 June 2017: Novi Sad, Master centar, Hajduk Veljkova 11 (agenda in Serbian, agenda in English)
- 21 June 2017: Ruse, Kaneff Centre,8 Studentska str.
- 22 June 2017: Varna, Golden Tulip Hotel
- 27 June 2017: Burgas
- 28 June 2017: Vienna, Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13 (invitation and agenda in German)
- 11 July 2017: Budapest, Freeport of Budapest (agenda in Hungarian)
- 11 July 2017: Vukovar, Hotel Lav
- 11 August 2017: Galati, Project and Foreign Financing Directorate