ARTNOUVEAU2 - Oradea Municipality Workshop


Workshop of Cultural Routes which operate in the Danube region

Municipality of Oradea (Oradea, Romania)


A workshop of Cultural Routes which operate in the Danube region was held on Thursday 21 April 2022. The workshop was organized as part of the activities aimed to develop the Action Plan for Reseau Art Nouveau Network in Danube region, coordinated by the Municipality of Oradea.   

The workshop was a platform for Cultural Routes to share know-how and experiences, to identify common challenges and to present best practices related to the organization/operation of the routes in this part of Europe. Both seasoned and recently certified Cultural Routes of Council of Europe benefited from this opportunity to learn, to get to know each other better and to show mutual support. The participants were greeted by Ms Irina Cozma, Priority Axis 3 Coordination of the EUSDR, who also contributed to the ensuing discussions.   

Réseau Art Nouveau Network (RANN) is a pan-European association of institutions and organizations concerned with research, protection, preservation and promotion of Art Nouveau Heritage. It has members from five countries of the Danube region: Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. RANN is a Certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe since 2014. It is also an Associated Strategic partner in the project ArtNouveau2.



In this workshop, seven Cultural Routes which operate in Danube Region presented their achievements and discussed the governance structures and policies, management, administrative procedures, obstacles, challenges and their solutions, communication strategies, support networks and outlined future plans:   

         European Route of Jewish Heritage (2004)  

         Saint Martin of Tours (2005)  

         Iter Vitis (2009)  

         Reseau Art Nouveau Network (2014)  

         Roman Emperors and Danube Wine (2015)  

         Impressionisms (2018)   

         Cyril and Methodius (2021)   

Apart from the strong presence in the region, all of them have in common praiseworthy enthusiasm, dedication and engagement to make Cultural Routes successful. The major ideas, proposals and recommendations presented at the workshop will be summarized in the Minutes and published on the project webpage in due time.








© Online Workshop Screen shots


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)