ARTNOUVEAU2 - MAK Educational film



Educational film From Viennese Modernism to the Present

The short movie From Viennese Modernism to the Present playfully presents the transition of epochs from historicism to art nouveau in Vienna. The new generation of artists and their Viennese representatives — Josef Hoffmann and Adolf Loos — demanded a new style reflecting their times. This idea not only spread in the empire at the time but in all of Europe — and continues to be omnipresent to this day.


To watch the film, click on the link below:


Creative Direction & Illustration: Francesco Ciccolella

Direction & Animation: Roman Buchberger

Sounddesign: Oliver Brunbauer

Voice: Dolores Winkler

Project Lead MAK: Thaddäus Stockert


As part of the ART NOUVEAU2 project, within the educational work package, educational programs are aiming to increase the level of awareness and knowledge about Art Nouveau in the young generations. They are developed in such a way that they can be put into practice in different geographical and institutional settings after local adaptations. The educational concept is a prime example of harnessing the benefits of the transnational setting to find and implement the most suitable and best-adaptable educational programs which will both educate and entertain children and youth. It is based on experimentation and cross-validation in different areas of the Danube region, thus ensuring its wide applicability. Short films and workshops designed for educational purposes will empower the community of professionals from cultural or educational institutions to improve their performance.

The film was realized within the Interreg Danube Transnational Program of the ARTNOUVEAU2 project, as one of the five educational films. Each partner made their own film, and they were translated into the languages ​​of all partners.

Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb

Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna

Oradea Heritage and Foundation for Protection of Historical Monuments from Bihor County


Project cofunded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II). 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)