CD SKILLS - "Alphabet of gluten-free cuisine" - pilot event to improve capacity of food catering providers’


The Covid-19 pandemic crisis required our response, so we have adjusted our pilot activities to new circumstances.

During the project, more than 30 workshops were held with selected stakeholders - institutions and caterers who are preparing gluten-free food for their customers. The aim of the workshops was to get acquainted with the problems and challenges they face and the shortcomings in the field of knowledge and available information.

We used the Information for further planning of the main educational event for caterers and prepared a diverse programme choosing relevant topics.

Our main pilot event will take place on March 10th 2022 and aims to provide resources for caterers under the slogan "Be aware that you are not only doing your job, but making people feel safe and secure«.

The event will be prepared live online, recorded and available for further use.

The overall objectives of the pilot are:

to raise awareness about celiac disease and strict gluten free diet
to improve specific stakeholders’ (HORECA, hospitals, schools, kindergarten, elderly homes) capacities for preparation of GF food and their food information communication
to protect physical and mental health of coeliacs and to improve quality of life of coeliacs and their families

More information will follow.

Partners involved in the pilot project are: our two partner celiac disease societies from Zagreb and Belgrade, Municipality of Maribor and National Institute for Mother and Child Health Alessandrescu-Rusescu (PP02 MOM, PP07 USZC, PP08 INSMC and PP09 CeliVita).

One of the meetings....

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)