ConnectGREEN - Deseminating project results - public outreach event in Žilina, Slovakia


On Wednesday, the 8th of September 2021, the Slovak Environment Agency (SEA SR) organised a public space event in the city of Žilina, Slovakia, which lies approximately in the centre of the one of the four ConnnectGREEN pilot areas: “Western Carpathians”.

Image 1.: ConnectGREEN public space event in Žilina, Slovakia © SEA SR

The presentation of project activities and results at public space events is an important part of ConnectGREEN’s communications activities. Aside from its work with practitioners and authorities, the project consortium also sets a focus on bringing its messages across to the general public through a multitude of channels: open space events, TV and radio interviews, press articles and social media.

The realisation of the event in Žilina, Slovakia, was initially delayed due to the public health measures triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. When restrictions were eased over the summer, SEA SR set up a space in the street in front of its office, at which it installed visual support material. Two members of the ConnectGREEN project team at the SEA SR took part - Marián Měrka and Rastislav Staník, taking turns at the display stand to engage with members of the public.

Image 2.: ConnectGREEN public space event in Žilina, Slovakia © SEA SR

Although the overall turnout was moderate, there was good deal of interest in the topic and several members of the public expressed interest to obtain a digital copy of the Map of core areas for large carnivores and ecological corridors of transnational relevance in the Carpathian ecoregion, one of ConnectGREEN’s main outputs.

Image 3.: ConnectGREEN public space event in Žilina, Slovakia © SEA SR

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)