D-CareLabs - A week of D-Care Labs activities!


A week of D-Care Labs activities!


Last week was D-Care Labs week: while the partnership meeting of the EU-funded project took place in Zagreb on July 8 and 9, at the same time the project manager of the lead partner of D-Care Labs, Katja Vonhoff, took part in a virtual conference of the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg entitled "Growing together in Europe".

During this event, Katja Vonhoff took part in a discussion on the possibilities of Interreg projects, where she presented the activities of the D-Care Labs project.

After the conference, she exchanged views on the project with the Minister of Economy, Labor and Housing of Baden-Württemberg, Mrs Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (in the picture), in a personal conversation.

The entire event in German can be found here: https://youtu.be/zU-Xz-8tmcg

The presentation of the D-Care Labs (in German): https://youtu.be/-irARmSgDMU

Photo credit: Ralf Dombrowski


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)