Danube Energy+ - HUB Croatia – Opening ceremony and presentation of the Hub


On July 08, 2021, Optimizacija launched the Danube Energy+ Hub Croatia at the ZICER. The Regional Hub will ensure the sustainability of the results of the Danube Energy + project, funded by the Danube Transnational Program 2014-2020. The project allows the 9 partners from the Danube macro region (Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania) to co-create and learn from each other to support the young innovators, carriers of potentially revolutionary ideas to foster economic growth and development in the region. The program started at 14:30 with the organizers welcome and presentation of the DE+ Hub Croatia. To bring closer the results that beneficiaries were get from this HUB, at the ceremony it’s were introduced to several investors and the attendees that had the opportunity to hear some pitches.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)