DanubeĀ“s Archaeological eLandscapes - Iron Age Danube Route received the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe


One output of the project of Danube's Achaeological eLandscapes is to connect the museums with landscapes of the Iron Age Danube Route. It is a great success that the responsible persons of the Iron Age Danube Route have succeeded in receiving the  “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”certification award.

The certification “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” is a quality label, recognized across Europe by visitors, tourism operators and public authorities alike. 

The certification and rigorous evaluation process lead to greater recognition and opportunities to develop membership, secure project funding and increase visitor numbers throughout network member countries. To obtain certification, Iron Age Danube Route was required to establish a scientific committee active in academic research on the Iron Age topic, thus giving scientific validity to its network membership and to its activities programme.

Being a certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe brings more visibility, both nationally and internationally, through the website of the Cultural Routes programme and thanks to a networking effect, which makes it easier for visitors to find relevant information on the routes and their European sites. Certification gives access to a wide pool of international partners and experts in heritage management, research, cultural tourism development and promotion. 

Here you can see an example of such a route in Styria in Austria - it is the "Keltenrunde in Großklein".



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)