Amazing AoE - 1st round of Participatory Workshops with Stakeholders


19th of May 2021, Velika Polana – Within the project Responsible Green Destination Amazon of Europe, first Participary Workshop with Stakeholders was held. It was organized by project partner Municipality of Velika Polana in cooperation with Jaka Oman – Lego Serious Play.

10 participants from tourism assciations, nature protection institute, development centers and educational institutions met live in premises of Municipality of Velika Polana to discuss green tourism potentials in region.

Aims of workshop were to gather the insight of region touristic and product potentials, intensely activate local experts, professionals, and opinion leaders to gain detailed information on the current situation on natural and cultural attractions, (potential) touristic products, infrastructural support (e.g., accommodation, transportation) and human resources, determine the main cornerstones for the joint tourism development strategy of the Responsible Green Destination Amazon of Europe and to identify potential joint outdoor tourism products per region.

In coming weeks there are same workshops planned in other project countries and with participants from differents workfields.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)