Danube Floodplain - Press trip in Romanian pilot area, Bistret


WWF Romania, together with NARW and MoEnv, organized a press trip on 13 May 2021 in the Romanian pilot area of Danube Floodplain project, Bistret (Dolj county). 5 journalists from local and national press organizations joined the event, together with local stakeholders and project partners.

They first visited the pilot area, in order to understand the importance of the area for the project objectives and for the joint development of the water management at Danube basin level.

”Studies that are included in the feasibility study and other socio-economic analyzes, which should be implemented in the near future, have been done during our project. We will try, through the respective analyzes, studies, calculations, to be able to apply the results in other areas along the Danube. The investment, the feasibility study, the pre-feasibility is being finalized", says Camelia Ionescu, Coordinator of the Freshwater Department, WWF-Romania.

Sorin Rindasu, Director of the Department for Emergency Situations, National Administration of Romanian Waters, said: "We have tried to achieve the objectives of the project regarding the flood risk management and the ecosystem services as well. The analysis looked at the whole basin of the Danube and today we are in Bistret, one of the five pilot areas of the Danube Floodplain project.The Bistret area was chosen precisely in the light of the flood events that took place in 2006 and we try to find the best solutions to consolidate the existing works."

At the end of the event, the ecosystem services for Bistret area were presented, as well the three restoration scenarios. 

Photo gallery of the event


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)