eDigiStars - eDigiStars Campus Tool 1st workshop


CAMPUS tool will adapt the courses to the needs of the elderly

It will target another key stakeholder in the ecosystem – providers of education and requalification courses. The tool will guide them how to efficiently and effectively adapt their courses to the specific need of the elderly target group. CAMPUS will be tested at one course per territory during the project lifetime.

The first workshop for the development of the tool was held yesterday on 18.01.2020 in ZOOM. The workshop was attended by 8 partners, 13 participants. In the first part of the workshop Mihaela Popovici, the Manager of ACTA welcomed all the participants, presented the agenda of the workshop and asked the partners to introduce themselves. In the second part of the workshop, Simona Trip (ACTA) gave a presentation on the starting point ideas in CAMPUS development.

The first part of the presentation focused on the description of the Campus, as it is presented in the project's application form. The second part of the presentation approaches two main points: 1) specific aspects of the information processing in elderly and 2) effectual training strategies. The presentation gave a broad reviewed the results of research on the decline in sensations, attention, memory and interpretation of the elderly. Based on this information about the decline, suggestions have been made for handing over digital information to the elderly population. The presentation ended with six open-ended questions subsequently used in the discussion part. The third part of the workshop was reserved for discussions and negotiations of the ideas about how Campus should look like.

The participants decided to organize Campus in five big chapters:

1.  Statistic – the actual situation of trainings and vacancies in our territories:

  • training courses that are targeting the elderly in our territories
  • vacancies for seniors who require digital skills are in our territories;

2. The content of courses targeting digital skills in elderly:
a. Main topics to be covered;
b. Number of hours;
c. A general description of the types of information transmitted in a digital skills training;

3. Mentoring – working alliance between trainers and elderly trainees;

4. General picture of the entrepreneurial skills – how digital skills can help elderly develop and use entrepreneurial skills;

5. Information processing in elderly – sensation, attention, memory and interpretation:
a. specific aspects of the information processing in elderly;
b. effectual training strategies;

The date for the next workshop is 15.02.2020, 9 a.m. on Zoom.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)