
Today project partners from DEX Innovation Centre, Foundation Prizma, Business Agency Association, National employment Agency Bulgaria, Romarketing and Innoskart held an online meeting, discussing the development of the POWERYOU Tool. The expert from Business Agency Association - Silvia Stumpf, opened the meeting by presenting shortly the concept behind the tool. Main idea of POWERYOU is to change the mindset of elderly & employers and to guide on how to passively or actively create awareness and empower elderly workforce. It is a financially sustainable tool of on-site promotion and engagement to digital and engagement to digital entrepreneurial training among ecosystems of elderly citizens with employability difficulties (labour offices, associations representing the elderly, etc.)  It will target the labour offices, associations working with elderly and other supporting actors in ecosystems.

The tool will be deployed together by the project partners: 8 workshops will be organised (3 physical + 5 virtual) on a transregional level between PPs for concept definition and development. The meetings will help to exploit specific knowledge and expertise of partners, to enable development of impactful tools and to boost the knowledge of all project partners from diverse macro-region. We are happy to announce that the first workshop was very succsefull! 
After presenting shortly the main points from Joint Danube Macro-regional eDigiStars Strategy, partners were divided in 2 workig groups, in separate rooms in Zoom. Using the platform MIRO, all participants worked together on one board and collected ideas, that will be discussed in following meetings. 

At end, our board, was full with notes and useful comments: 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)