Danube S3 Cluster - Innovation Forum, organized in Romania, on October 29, 2020


The Virtual Innovation Forum on field of agro-food, hosted by project partner National Institute of Research – Development for Machines and Installations designed for Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA, Romania, will be held online on October 29, 2020.

Agenda is availlable at: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/media/download/40621

The Innovation Forum will be divided into two panel discussions with the following topics:

  • “Internationalization, cooperation and Innovation for Development and Competitiveness through Clusters on agro-food”, moderated by Ms Katrin Hochberg, the representative of our project partner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Germany
  • “Implementation of Local Action Plans within Danube S3 Cluster Project and INTERREG DTP Capitalization Strategy”, moderated by Gilda Niculescu, representing the Lead Partner of Danube S3 Cluster project, South Muntenia Regional Development Agency Romania.

The event will have as main guest Dr.  Judit  Schrick-Szenczi,  Coordinator  Priority  Area  8  “Competitiveness”,  Ministry  of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg, Germany, which will discuss the importance of  Agro-food sector for Area 8 “Competitiveness”, in Danube Strategy.  Also, representatives of clusters in the Danube region will discuss during the 1st panel: the Romanian Cluster policy, on agro-food Clusters; Intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration on agro-food sector; AGRIFOOD Digital Innovation Hub structure for the efficiency of the activity; Services performed by Clusters and thematic Networks in the Agro-Food sector for innovation, added value and competitiveness.

During the 2nd panel will the project partners will present the Pilot implementation of Local Action Plans with the following topics:

  • Open Innovation in Clusters - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Business Models that Work in Circular Economy – Croatia & Serbia
  • Healthy Food – Slovakia
  • Healthy Food and Smart Agriculture sector - Romania

Also, during this panel will be identified synergies with Danube innovation ecosystem - Made in Danube Project – Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool, support for technology transfer and competitiveness of enterprises.

The stakeholders interested in attending the Innovation Forum are invited to Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/4889922209?pwd=VGs3YS85YytHZm9weE9IaEl0RHVuUT09,

Meeting ID: 488 992 2209

Passcode: CX3771

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)