Danube S3 Cluster - Danube Agrofood Virtual b2b and Innovation Forum, organized on 18th of November 2020


Danube S3 Cluster project partner Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ruse, Bulgaria is organizing the Danube Agrofood Virtual b2b and Innovation Forum, which will take place on 18th November 2020 between 09:00-18:00 EET on the b2match platform.

The events are targeted at participants from mainly the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region countries (but not only) who are interested in finding partners for transnational cooperation among clusters and improve the skills, competences and business connections that serve to facilitate clusters’ access to new markets and technology transfer. The event is also aimed at developing partnerships among different 4-helix actors for the drafting of innovative project ideas and proposals as well as exchange of good practices.

Representatives of clusters (both members and managers), SMEs, policy makers, higher education and research institutions, local administrations at regional level, experts on technological transfer, IPR, open innovation, internationalization, scale-up, clusters, etc. and any other interested stakeholders are invited to join the virtual events.

Participation is free of charge. The working language is English. Registration and b2b video meetings will take place online on the b2match platform https://danube-agrofood-virtual-b2b.b2match.io/. Registration is open till 17th November 2020. However, the earlier the registration, the longer the b2b profile will be visible and promoted.

All registered participants will have a free access to the Innovation Forum, which will be held as a back-to-back online event in the morning of 18th November (09:00 – 13:10 EET), with two panels on innovation and policies in the field of agro-food, with presentations by Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian and German presenters.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)