Finance4SocialChange - Business Planning, Management & Governance


We are happy to present the Business Planning, Management & Governance Module created within the Finance4SocialChange project as part of the Blended Learning Program " Accelerating Investment Readiness " #AIRMOOC. This module will explain the best ways to organize and govern impact enterprises. It starts today, June 15th so join this free online platform and furthermore, apply for the Competition and win valuable prizes! 

The governance of social and other impact enterprises differ from other organizations on the levels of leadership, vision, people management, and democratic principles in governing the ventures. In this module, organizational structures and processes will be discussed as well as practical questions on how to handle responsibilities and participation of everyone in the value chain.

Join live chat with Karl H Richter, impact advisor and founder of EngagedX and Roberto Randazzo, president of esela - The legal network for social impact on #AirMOOC Webinar on GOVERNANCE! Karl will focus on structures and processes that need to be in place to manage for impact. Roberto will discuss the future of contracting for social impact between social ventures and impact investors.

ZOOM registration here:

Visit our Youtube channel for the overview of all videos within the Accelerating Readiness Program. 






Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)