Finance4SocialChange - Accelerating Investment Readiness Webinar Series


We have news for you regarding #AirMOOC & #AirCompetition (AIR: Accelerating Investment Readiness) that aims at joining Social Entrepreneurship & Impact Investing for more positive social change!  Check out our Webinar Series Overview which will add up to our online learning content!  

An ace line-up of speakers for our hashtag#AirMOOC Webinar Series!

One webinar each week, starting with Young-Jin Choi, FRSA of PHINEO gAG, and Ben Carpenter of Social Value International. And that's only the beginning! Also, Alessandro Rancati of European Commission, Mark Cheng of Chelwood Capital and Ashoka, Karl H Richter, Roberto Randazzo of esela - The legal network for social impact, Georg Schoen of Ashoka Visionary Program, Antonella Broglia of Ashoka and former TEDx, and Anna Patton of Pioneers Post!

If you haven’t registered, join in!  If you already have, we hope this provides you with additional value. We look forward to welcoming you on 25th May 2020 when #AirMOOC will launch.

And don’t forget to apply for #AirCompetition!



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)