Finance4SocialChange - New financial instruments for social enteprises presented in Serbia


During a meeting of the Council for Corporate Social Responsibility, held in Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, future activities of the project F4Ch were presented to the relevant stakeholders, while Smart Kolektiv, an expert organization involved in the implementation of the Finance4SocialChange project presented a new financial instrument for social enterprises in Serbia.

Smart Impact Fund – a fund for the sustainable community is being coordinated by Smart Kolektiv and represents an innovative program of financial support that allows companies in Serbia to apply for interest-free credits in the amount of 50.000 euros and mentorship training program lasting 3 to 5 years. Another component of the program is a 4-month training program that will allow social enterprises to apply afterward for grant in the amount of 2500 euros.

Finance4SocialChange project was presented to relevant stakeholders coming from non-profit, corporate and banking sector, and the focus was on approaching education cycle which will allow companies in the Danube Region to have online and offline training focused on social impact, social scaling, financial sustainability, management, strategy development, and communication.

After the training and mentorship session, a transnational competition is planned in Germany, Slovakia, Moldova, and Serbia where the best social impact ideas will be judged by an independent jury, while best business ideas with social impact will be awarded valuable prizes.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)